EOF approval for Marine additive by LIQUI MOLY
EOF approval for Marine additive by LIQUI MOLY

EOF approval for Marine additive by LIQUI MOLY


Marine Diesel Bacteria Stop is the only product against diesel sludge approved in Greece


April 2018 – Diesel sludge is a commonly occurring problem in boat engines. The German motor oil and additive specialist LIQUI MOLY has a remedy for this: Marine Diesel Bacteria Stop. It is the only product of its kind to be approved by the national medicines regulatory authority EOF in Greece.


Typical causes of diesel sludge are bacteria, yeasts and fungus. Biocides work best against these microorganisms. That's why Marine Diesel Bacteria Stop by LIQUI MOLY is a highly effective biocide. In Greece, products with such substances require approval by the national medicines regulatory authority EOF. The additive by LIQUI MOLY is the only one of its kind to have successfully gone through the laborious approval process on the Greek market. "It is a special award for the product itself and also for our company," says Tim Braun Export Area Manager Greece at LIQUI MOLY. "As a premium manufacturer it goes without saying for us to prepare perfect goods that correspond to all the requirements of the respective market. Particularly if we receive a unique selling point in the market as a result."


LIQUI MOLY has previously had the Institut Technische Mikrobiologie Dr. Jutta Höffler GmbH check how well Marine Diesel Bacteria Stop works. While the microorganisms proliferated quickly in the untreated diesel fuel, the additive showed a quick-acting effect. After seven days no more microorganisms were detectable and they did not return even after 21 days. It was proven that the substance is highly effective even in small doses. The additive provides a direct effect against microorganisms. In the case of high infestation, a concentration of 1:1000 is used. A concentration of 1:4000 is sufficient for prevention.


Diesel sludge is a wide-spread problem for boats. If water is present in the fuel tank, whether from water condensate on the inner walls of the tank or contaminated diesel fuel or carelessness when filling the tank, it deposits at the bottom of the tank. Microorganisms can proliferate at the interface between the water and diesel fuel. The longer the shut-down period, the more they can proliferate. They form a slimy mass that block the fuel filter and injectors. The engine stops. Beyond that, the metabolic waste products produced by the microorganisms increase corrosion in the fuel tank and lines.


LIQUI MOLY Marine Diesel Bacteria Stop eradicates the microorganisms. However it cannot dissolve the sludge produced by the microorganisms up to that time. In the event of high infestation, it is therefore always necessary to clean the fuel tank. The additive can be used in low concentration to prevent this from happening in the first place. When used regularly, the problem of bacteria and fungus in the fuel tank never arises. The engine no longer poses any problems and the money for an expensive tank cleaning operation can also be saved.



With around 4,000 items, LIQUI MOLY offers a global, uniquely broad range of automotive chemicals: Motor oils and additives, greases and pastes, sprays and car care, glues and sealants. Founded in 1957, LIQUI MOLY develops and produces exclusively in Germany. There it is the undisputed market leader for additives and is repeatedly voted the best oil brand. The company led by Ernst Prost sells its products in more than 120 countries and generated 532m euros in sales in 2017.


For more information, please contact:

Tel.: +30 2310 779524

Email: lubinfo@skama.gr

Web: www.liqui-moly.gr


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EOF approval for Marine additive by LIQUI MOLY

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